Nesting House

#2.19 Kwau, West Papua Robin Lilja December 26, 2013

#2.19 Kwau, West Papua
Robin Lilja December 26, 2013

From his expedition to South East Asia, exploring both above and below, Robin Lilja sends this report. Robin has installed Moonhouse #2.19 in the nest of a Vogelkop Bowerbird at Kwau in West Papua, Indonesia. The Vogelkop Bowerbird is famous for its elaborate building style and for decorating its nest with colourful accessories. Try a google image search for vogelkop bowerbird or the BBC:s website for stunning and beautiful examples. Robin recommends a look at the ”Birds” episode of the BBC Life series for more information.

Congratulations on your ongoing and already successful expedition Robin. We wish you fair winds for its continuation and look forward to future reports.

Faithful house with Pool, in Yellowstone

Old Faithful - Yellowstone National Park WY 20130822 #2.19 Robin Lilja

Old Faithful – Yellowstone National Park WY 20130822
#2.19 Robin Lilja

Robin Lilja brought Moonhouse #2.19 to Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA on August 22, 2013. As sure as Old Faithful will have an eruption every 91 minutes we will see the Old house on the Moon one day.

Congratulations on your successful expedition and on what must have been an excellent trip. Fair winds on your coming adventures!

Earlier installments:
Logan, Hodoo House, Angels Landing, Badwater Baisin, Hoover Dam, Manhattan, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Arches NP, Yellowstone

Crested Pool - Yellowstone National Park 20130822 #2.19 Robin Lilja

Crested Pool – Yellowstone National Park 20130822
#2.19 Robin Lilja

Building bridges

Landscape Arch - Archers National Park UT 20130821 #2.19 Robin Lilja

Landscape Arch – Archers National Park UT 20130821
#2.19 Robin Lilja

Robin Lilja brought Moonhouse #2.19 to Arches National Park, UT on his American expedition. The Park is renowned for its naturally form archway bridges and Robin sees them as symbolic for how the house builds bridges.

Congratualtions Robin on your successful expedition and fair winds for your coming adventures.

First we take Manhattan…

…then we take the Moon.

New York New York - Las Vegas NV 20130819. #2.19 Robin Lilja

New York New York – Las Vegas NV 20130819. #2.19 Robin Lilja

From his ongoing expedition in the American Mid west Robin Lilja sends us these beautiful pictures. With the starkness and the desolation of the terrain and scenery in images, the Moonhouse is quite thorougly tested for artistic properties in Moon-like environments. When Robin sends us a picture of the house bright lit with a black sky in the background we will really know.

Se more images from the Midwest field test expedition here:
New York, New York – Las Vegas Arizona

New York New York - Las Vegas NV 20130819. #2.19 Robin Lilja

New York New York – Las Vegas NV 20130819. #2.19 Robin Lilja

Grand ol’ House in the Grand ol’ Canyon – Powell Point – Grand Canyon AZ
Grand house Powell Point - Grand Canyon AZ 20130820. #2.19 Robin Lilja

Grand house
Powell Point – Grand Canyon AZ 20130820. #2.19 Robin Lilja

Power house – Hoover Dam – AZ
"Power house." – Hoover Dam - AZ 201319. #2.19 Robin Lilja

”Power house.” – Hoover Dam – AZ 201319. #2.19 Robin Lilja

There is no bad nor death in Moonhouse – Badwater Basin – Death Valley CA
Badwater Basin – Death Valley CA, 20130818. There is no bad nor death in moonhouse. #2.19 Robin Lilja

Badwater Basin – Death Valley CA, 20130818. There is no bad nor death in moonhouse. #2.19 Robin Lilja

A house for angels – Angels Landing – Zion National Park UT, 20130817. A house for angels.
Angels Landing - Zion National Park UT 20130817 #2.19 Robin Lilja

Angels Landing – Zion National Park UT 20130817 #2.19 Robin Lilja

Hoodoo house – Bryce Point – Bryce Canyon UT, 20130816.
Bryce Point – Bryce Canyon UT, 20130816. Hoodoo house. #2.19 Robin Lilja

Bryce Point – Bryce Canyon UT, 20130816. Hoodoo house. #2.19 Robin Lilja