Mount Västerås?

This interesting exchange of messages took place on facebook a few days ago.
Emil Vinterhav

Mikael, det har fortfarande inte gått någon expedition till Västerås…. Men med Moonhouse Expedition HQ på Kungsholmen känner jag mig lite som påven i Avignon…

In English:

Mikael, there still hasn’t been an expedition to Västerås… But with the Moonhouse HQ in Kungsholmen [Stockholm], I feel a bit like the pope in Avignon.

Now, Västerås is where the the idea of a placing house on the Moon was originally cracked and is therefore holy grounds to the Moonhouse Expeditions. Kungsholmen is in Stockholm, hence the the aliteration to the exiled Pope.

The message returned was mystifying.

Mikael Genberg

Nej, det är ju korrekt men huset befinner sig i Base-Camp med planerna att nå toppen så snart väderleken tillåter. Det är förenat med livsfara att bestiga Västerås under fel förhållanden och i synnerhet om syrgas inte finns tillhands. Men alla är ännu vid gott mod och med fortsatt optimism om en framgångsrik expedition. Vi hoppas att snöovädret ska ge med sig snart. Over and out mr Pope

In English:

No, that is correct, but the house in at Base Camp planning to reach the summit as soon as the weather allows. Climbing Västerås can be fatal under the wrong conditions and particularly so if no oxygen is available. We are all at good spririt and have good faith for a succesful expedition. We hope that the blizzard will calm soon. Over and out Mr. Pope.

We look forward for more reports from this expedition Västerås and to learning more about the summit.

3 svar på ”Mount Västerås?

  1. Moonhouse #2.8 will at times be located in the vicinity of Västerås this summer and is ready to compete with the Mikael expedition. Or perhaps rescue them. There seems to be some psychological problems building up over there, which, of course, is only natural since the moonhouse project is such a demanding undertaking.

    • Naturally, some expeditions are more demanding than others. Now, with two simultaneous expeditions to Västerås we have what one might call a Västerås summit summit or a Västerås summit square.

      • And luckily Västerås has five summits – the viking one (anundshög), the religious one (the dome), the public one (the town hall), the industrialist one (Aseatornet) and the capitalist one (”Skrapan”). This will be a long and hot moonhouse summer…
