House on the Ocean

#2.35 in the Indian Ocean Petra Vainionpää, Maldives New Years Eve 2013.

#2.35 in the Indian Ocean
Petra Vainionpää, Maldives New Years Eve 2013.

The Moonhouse really has a predisposition toward exotic beaches and the ocean. Perhaps this is in anticipation of and longing for an eternal existence on the shores of the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon.

Here the seasoned explorer Petra Vainionpää treats us to a magnificent scene from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean with Moonhouse #2.35 basking in sunlight with bungalows built in stilts in the back ground. (Wouldn’t we all have liked to be there to take the picture…)

Congratulations on your successful expedition Petra and fair winds for your coming adventures. (Petra was one of the first explorers and something tells me that the Maldives may not be the last landfall Moonhouse #2.35 makes with Petra. We certainly wish to continue to part-take in Petras exotic expeditions wherever they take here and the Moonhouse Expedition.
