Nesting House

#2.19 Kwau, West Papua Robin Lilja December 26, 2013

#2.19 Kwau, West Papua
Robin Lilja December 26, 2013

From his expedition to South East Asia, exploring both above and below, Robin Lilja sends this report. Robin has installed Moonhouse #2.19 in the nest of a Vogelkop Bowerbird at Kwau in West Papua, Indonesia. The Vogelkop Bowerbird is famous for its elaborate building style and for decorating its nest with colourful accessories. Try a google image search for vogelkop bowerbird or the BBC:s website for stunning and beautiful examples. Robin recommends a look at the ”Birds” episode of the BBC Life series for more information.

Congratulations on your ongoing and already successful expedition Robin. We wish you fair winds for its continuation and look forward to future reports.
