
#2.33 Falun  Emil Vinterhav och Mikael Genberg

#2.33 Falun
Emil Vinterhav och Mikael Genberg

Today we celebrate the 1st anniversary of the very first Moonhouse expedition. The expedition made landfall on one of the two summits of Kungsholmen in Stockholm, the one in Kronobergsparken.

The Moonhouse Expedition has since made landfall on and a number of yet to be reported summits of Europe and, notably, on Kilimanjaro. The expedition has also reached summits of more metaphysical nature such as the church of nativity in Bethlehem and the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem,  highlights in art with Picasso paintings, historical moments in sports, when Nadal was eliminated from Wimbledon and more and more. The Expedition is well into the task of making the red house with white corners ubiquitous around the globe.

Right at this moment, there are active expeditions to great mountains, to underwater wonders, to tropical paradises and to amazing feats of human endurance.  No doubt, the holiday season will fill in even more white areas on the map, be it geographical of metaphysical, and bring otherwise  hidden aspects of the world out into the shining light for all of use to share and to admire.

Also, we shall not forget the very exciting expedition of Moonhouse #2.33 is making today when the expedition is aiming for landfall in the home of red, Falun from where the red signature colour of the red house with white corners comes.

With this said, this anniversary would not be even closely to as interesting without the dedicated efforts by all the Moonhouse Explorers. A good, great Thank You is the least we can to offer for your selfless efforts and fair winds for your coming expeditions.
